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About Us

As a member of the Hickory Golf Association, you would join the ranks of golfers who are demonstrating their dedication and commitment to the game of golf as it was played over 100 years ago. Membership in the Hickory Golf Association creates a direct link between individuals like you who are dedicated to maintaining the excellence of this The Hickory Golf Association, a non-profit organization that will contribute to worthy causes and charities in your community.

The nonpaid officer volunteers of the Hickory Golf Association serve as a clearing house of information about the history, heritage and tournaments using hickory clubs around the world.


Thank you for your interest in the Hickory Golf Association. Your membership will further expand the resources available to the Hickory Golf Association. I encourage you to take an active interest with the Hickory Golf Association in your region. This will help us all to preserve the traditions of the game.


Very truly yours,

William W. Reed
Executive Director

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